The Bahamas
Description A Fellowship to support studies at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece, for no more than a year. Geographic area and cultural period of study not otherwise restricted. Awarded bi-annually (even years). Other Criteria Applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. or Canada. Applicant must be at the pre-doctoral stage or have received their Ph.D. within 5 years of the application date, and must concurrently apply for membership with the ASCSA (the applicant mat not be a member of the ASCSA during year of application); award is contingent upon accceptance to the ASCSA. Amount $11,000 USD You must be studying in one of the following countries: Unrestricted Deadline January 15 You must be from one of the following countries: Canada and United States Number of Awards 1 You must be studying one of the following: Arts, Visual & Performing, Classics, History and Anthropology Host Institution American...