Sep 05, 2024

The ZEE €2000 Scholarship

  • Scholarships
  • The Bahamas

Job / Advertisement Description


For a chance to receive a €2000 scholarship answer the question: What measures would affect the modernization, attractiveness, and livability of suburban areas to encourage sustainable growth? Answers may highlight, for example, the chances and challenges related to energy-efficient home building and alternative building materials, housing affordability and new construction, sustainable infrastructure, design and attractiveness of public areas, or social issues. You may choose to submit your answer in the form of an essay or a PowerPoint presentation. Your essay should count no less than 1,000 words. Your PowerPoint presentation should count between 10-15 slides, including images, designs (sketches or other creative formats) and text. Applications may be submitted in English or German. Please email your applications to the address below no later than October 4. If you choose to submit an essay, it should be based on this suggested structure: 1. Abstract: Summarize the problem and your resolution concisely. 2. Problem: Which problem are you trying to solve, and why is it important? 3. Solution: Outline your ideas and how they would play out in real life. 4. Validation: Which academic theses are supporting your idea(s)? 5. Optional: How could your idea(s) be funded? All students currently enrolled at university, trainees currently enrolled in vocational training, and recent graduates who have graduated no earlier than 2020 are invited to partake in this merit-based competition. Please submit proof of your enrollment or graduation in your scholarship application, along with a quoted acknowledgment of our privacy statement (see Terms & Conditions below). The application should be one PDF email attachment and must include your age and email address.

Other Criteria

Please click below for the full description and submission requirements.



You must be studying in one of the following countries:



October 4

You must be from one of the following countries:


Number of Awards


You must be studying one of the following:



€2,000 SCHOLARSHIP The winner of the Future of Suburbia challenge will be presented with a €2,000 scholarship. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW We will feature the scholarship recipient for an exclusive interview on our blog and social media channels. PRESENT TO OUR EXPERT JURY The chosen winner will have the opportunity to present his or her idea to our expert panel.